Monday 22 January 2018

#seaspen Parent Engagement Night

Our school staff wanted to engage our parent community in learning more about a number of initiatives connected to our SIP and TLLP goals that promote the social emotional learning of students. Our Parent Engagement Night was held on November 29, 2017 and offered parents 4 sessions. We promoted our event using Twitter, Synervoice, a hardcopy pamphlet and a Google sign up form.

The sessions included Zones of Regulation, Flexible Seating and Community Circles, Exploring Math in Today’s Classroom and Hapara Workspace. The sessions were offered by school staff with support from school administration and the School Board Leading and Learning team.

Zones of Regulation explained the relationship of self-regulation to stress response, brain function, stressors and calming strategies. Up regulating and down regulating activities were explored.

Flexible Seating and Community Circles focussed on the research and rationale behind both flexible seating and community circles, and their link to creating a climate and culture of collaboration, connectedness and empathy. 

Exploring Math in Today's Classroom allowed parents an opportunity to more fully understand math in the K-6 classroom and participate in some math games and puzzles that enhance numeracy, logical thinking and spatial awareness. 

Hapara Workspace introduced parents to an online secure platform used to create a personalized learning experience for students that deepens collaboration and differentiation.

The parents arrived excited to learn and were able to visit two sessions. The feedback from parents was very positive. A second session is planned for the spring with hopes to showcase our school makerspace and demonstrate how makerpsace activities provide positive social emotional learning opportunities that link to the curriculum. 


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