Friday, 1 June 2018

Collaboration - Deep Learning

In groups, students in the two grade 6 classes, unpacked the Deep Learning collaboration progression chart. The groups were given one dimension of the Deep Learning collaboration progression chart to explain in simple terms to the rest of the class. The goal was for the students to familiarize themselves with the Deep Learning collaboration progression chart to be used in a self evaluation later on. After their presentations the students were asked to dig deeper and proceed by explaining with pictures and key words for each dimension of the Deep Learning collaboration progression chart. Further to this inquiry, and using a Google form, students completed a collaboration self-evaluation. At that time, students were able to self reflect and evaluate their collaboration skills. Since one of the dimensions of the Deep Learning collaboration progression chart speaks to social-emotional and intercultural skills, students are able to continue their awareness of social emotional learning.

Lyne Kohut
FSL Teacher/Learning Partner
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton/OCSB

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