Sunday 18 March 2018

Ms Fortier - Aspiring Leader

Ms Fortier is kind to share with us her Aspiring Leader portfolio. Read about her perspective of fostering Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and it'scorrelation to Deep Learning through various classroom/school-wide initiatives, strategies and activities.

Setting Directions

Part 1: Building Relationships and Developing People: Indigenous Education
Read about the Gr 6 Indigenous Education initiative that fostered SEL (through Community Circles, Restorative Circles - building community and relationships), Communication and Collaboration (e.g., building partnerships) and Cross-Curricular projects (e.g., Language Arts, FSL Social Studies/Arts) to deepen student learning.

Part 2: Building Relationships and Developing People: Mindfulness/Mindest Mondays
Read about how to build capacity within your classroom and within the school community

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