Monday, 9 April 2018

The Team at St. Leonard Elementary School

Our TLLP is extended to teachers at another elementary school within our board, St Leonard. We have been fortunate to keep the Learning Partnership active as much as possible. Here is a summary of what they have been up to:

We are a team of three educators, from St. Leonard school, who are passionate about inquiry learning and building capacity in deep learning. Through our experiences over the last few years we have come to understand that students are better equipped for inquiry learning and developing global competencies when they have a basis of social-emotional learning skills. This year we dedicated the first few months of school to the explicit teaching of self-regulation skills using Conscious Discipline, Mindmasters and Zen Den activities from Cosmic Kids. We used the Zen Den videos to learn and discuss various strategies so students were better able to understand what their bodies feel like when they are in an optimal learning zone. Follow this link to access the library of Youtube Videos 

Our initial observations have confirmed that with these self-regulation skills students are better able to negotiate the demands of deep learning through inquiry and design thinking. Our students are using the self-regulation strategies to demonstrate a growth mindset and be active contributors to the classroom learning environment. They have grown to be accountable in collaborative discussion, accepting their responsibilities to the learning environment, engaging in self and peer feedback and advocating for their learning needs

~Bonnie Caminiti and the teachers at St. Leonard

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